Imperial to Metric
Even though the Victorians used the imperial unit of measurement, the United Kingdom moved to the metric system of measurement in the late 1960s. Therefore for user convivence, the measurements used on this website are in metric.
While all the recipes on this website have already been converted for viewing pleasure, below is a table designed to try to help explain some of these imperial weights and measures and what their equivalents are today.
Measurements of Weight
1/2 oz [ounces] = 1 tbsp = 15g
1 oz = 2 tbsp = 28g
2 oz = 4 tbsp = 57g
3 oz = 6 tbsp = 85g
4oz =8 tbsp = 115g
8oz =16 tbsp =227g
12oz =24 tbsp =340g
Measurements of Liquid
4 gills = 1 pint =1.8 ml
2 pints = 1 quart =0.9 litre
4 quarts = 1 gallon =3.8 litres